I've never had a sinus infection or been on antibiotics since cutting out dairy.
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I've never had a sinus infection or been on antibiotics since cutting out dairy. 自从停止食用奶制品以来,我从未患过鼻窦炎,也从未服用过抗生素。 -- Mayim Bialik 马伊姆·拜力克

Bad boys do get the girls.
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Bad boys do get the girls. 坏男孩会得到女孩。 -- Tom Felton 汤姆·费尔顿

There needn't be a distinction between your life and your music.
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There needn't be a distinction between your life and your music. 你的生活和你的音乐之间没有必要有什么区别。 -- K. D. Lang K.D.朗

I loved rollerskating when I was younger.
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I loved rollerskating when I was younger. 我年轻时喜欢滑旱冰。 -- Crystal Reed 水晶芦苇

I don't think I gain anything by seeing myself.
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I don't think I gain anything by seeing myself. 我不认为我能从自己身上得到任何东西。 -- Anthony John Hancock 安东尼·约翰·汉考克

Truth knows no color; it appeals to intelligence.
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Truth knows no color; it appeals to intelligence. 真理不分肤色;它需要智慧。 -- James Hal Cone 詹姆斯·哈尔·科恩

You can get so many sounds out of one record. Every record can be used in some way.
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You can get so many sounds out of one record. Every record can be used in some way. 你可以从一张唱片里得到很多声音。每条记录都可以以某种方式使用。 -- Christian Marclay 克里斯汀·马克里

Small Is Beautiful: a Study of Economics as if People Mattered.
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Small Is Beautiful: a Study of Economics as if People Mattered. 小即是美:一项研究人的重要性的经济学。 -- E. F. Schumacher 舒马赫

God, from a beautiful necessity, is Love.
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God, from a beautiful necessity, is Love. 上帝,出于一种美丽的需要,就是爱。 -- Martin Farquhar Tupper 马丁·法夸哈·塔珀

I practice transcendental meditation and there is a phase where you're meant to lift off the ground.
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I practice transcendental meditation and there is a phase where you're meant to lift off the ground. 我练习超越性冥想,有一个阶段,你的目标是离开地面。 -- Heather Graham 海瑟·格拉汉姆