I don't really lift weights. It's kind of a vanity thing that I don't get into.
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I don't really lift weights. It's kind of a vanity thing that I don't get into. 我不怎么举重。这是一种虚荣心,我没有涉及。 -- Jeremy London 杰里米伦敦

The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That's what poetry does.
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The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That's what poetry does. 拯救世界的唯一办法就是恢复对世界的认识。这就是诗歌的作用。 -- Allen Ginsberg 艾伦·金斯伯格

Patience is the best medicine.
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Patience is the best medicine. 耐心是最好的良药。 -- John Florio 约翰·弗洛里欧

Always go hard and fast enough so that when you hit the ditch you can pull out the other side.
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Always go hard and fast enough so that when you hit the ditch you can pull out the other side. 一定要跑得足够快和用力,这样当你撞到沟里的时候,你就能把另一边拉出来。 -- Johnny Paycheck 琼尼·派查克

Gifts fall from heaven only in fairy tales.
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Gifts fall from heaven only in fairy tales. 天上掉下来的礼物只有在童话里才有。 -- Walter Ulbricht 瓦尔特·乌布利希

Fools are without number.
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Fools are without number. 傻瓜数不清。 -- Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus 伊拉斯谟

You need have no fear of any failure.
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You need have no fear of any failure. 你不必害怕任何失败。 -- Percy Fawcett 福西特

I've always found it hard to say sorry.
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I've always found it hard to say sorry. 我总是觉得说对不起很难。 -- Michael Sheen 迈克尔·辛

Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go.
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Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go. 死亡从不使智者感到意外,他总是准备好离开。 -- Jean de La Fontaine 拉封丹

I don't think there's a lot of actors out there right now who really know what they're doing at all.
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I don't think there's a lot of actors out there right now who really know what they're doing at all. 我不认为现在有很多演员真正知道他们在做什么。 -- Jamie Bell 杰米·贝尔