I have long held the notion that if a vet can't catch his patient there's nothing much to worry about.
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I have long held the notion that if a vet can't catch his patient there's nothing much to worry about. 我一直认为,如果兽医抓不到他的病人,也没什么好担心的。 -- James Herriot 詹姆斯·赫里奥特

He can't  think without his hat.
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He can't  think without his hat. 他没有帽子就不能思考。 -- Samuel Beckett 贝克特

This whole force is utterly demoralized by victory. There seems to be neither head nor tail.
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This whole force is utterly demoralized by victory. There seems to be neither head nor tail. 这支部队因胜利而士气低落。看起来既没有头也没有尾。 -- Charles Ferguson Smith 查尔斯·弗格森·史密斯

And wealth abides not, it is but for a day.
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And wealth abides not, it is but for a day. 财富不存在,它只存在一天。 -- Euripides 欧里庇得斯

Just because you bury something, that doesn't mean it stops existing.
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Just because you bury something, that doesn't mean it stops existing. 你埋了东西,并不意味着它就不存在了。 -- Jenny Han 韩珍妮

I was a Duran Duran freak - and freak is the perfect word to describe my behavior during that decade!
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I was a Duran Duran freak - and freak is the perfect word to describe my behavior during that decade! 我是个杜兰杜兰怪胎——用“怪胎”这个词来形容我那十年的行为再合适不过了! -- Jennifer Aniston 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿

Why would anyone expect Tyson to come out smarter? He went to prison for four years, not Princeton.
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Why would anyone expect Tyson to come out smarter? He went to prison for four years, not Princeton. 为什么会有人指望泰森会变得更聪明呢?他坐了四年牢,而不是普林斯顿。 -- Lou Duva 卢·杜瓦

There is no place where espionage is not possible.
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There is no place where espionage is not possible. 没有任何地方不可能有间谍活动。 -- Sun Tzu 孙子兵法

The old rules and the old methods of winning are gone.
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The old rules and the old methods of winning are gone. 旧的规则和赢球的老方法都不见了。 -- Dick Morris 迪克·莫里斯

The fire was furry as a bear.
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The fire was furry as a bear. 火像熊一样毛茸茸的。 -- Edith Sitwell 伊迪丝·西特韦尔