关键词: actions
We become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions. 我们通过正义的行为变得正义,通过有节制的行为变得温和,通过勇敢的行为变得勇敢。 -- Aristotle 亚里士多德
Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past. 未来正确的行为是对过去错误行为最好的道歉。 -- Tryon Edwards 特赖恩·爱德华兹
Words are also actions, and actions are a kind of words. 言语也是行动,行动也是言语的一种。 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生
Reflective abstraction, however, is based not on individual actions but on coordinated actions. 然而,反思性抽象不是基于个人行为,而是基于协调的行为。 -- Jean Piaget 皮亚杰
While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. 虽然我们可以自由选择我们的行为,但我们不能自由选择我们行为的后果。 -- Stephen R. Covey 科维
There are more reasons for people's actions than the number of actions that are actually set in motion. 人们的行为有更多的原因,而不是实际行动的数量。 -- Margaret Stohl 玛格丽特·斯托尔
The reactions of the many should not affect the actions of the few. 多数人的反应不应影响少数人的行动。 -- Joey Lawsin 乔伊·劳辛
Bad actions lead to worse reactions. 坏行为会导致更坏的反应。
The only satisfactions available are the satisfactions of reality, which are themselves frustrating. 唯一的满足是现实的满足,而现实本身就是令人沮丧的。 -- Adam Phillips 亚当·菲利普斯
Our beliefs determine our actions and it is our consistent actions that will produce results. 我们的信念决定了我们的行动,只有我们坚持不懈的行动才能产生结果。 -- Billy Cox 比利考克斯
My actions are my only true belongings: I cannot escape their consequences. My actions are the ground on which I stand. 我的行为是我唯一真正的财产:我无法逃避它们的后果。我的行动是我立足的基础。 -- Gautama Buddha 释伽牟尼
Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others. 好的行为会给我们自己带来力量,也会激发他人的好行为。 -- Plato 柏拉图
Nobody is driven by abstractions like seeking truth. 没有人会被像追求真理这样的抽象概念所驱使。 -- Michael Crichton 迈克尔·克莱顿
Tis human actions paint the chart of time. 这是人类行为绘制的时间图表。 -- James Montgomery 蒙哥马利
It is wrong to use equal language for unequal actions. 对不平等的行为使用平等的语言是错误的。 -- Peter Akinola 阿基诺拉
Our unguarded reactions are the most honest ones. 我们毫无防备的反应是最诚实的反应。 -- Lisa Mantchev 丽莎·曼切夫
Only that thing is free which exists by the necessities of its own nature, and is determined in its actions by itself alone. 只有那个东西是自由的,它存在于它自己的本性的需要之中,并且是由它自己的行为所决定的。 -- Baruch Spinoza 斯宾诺莎
When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. 当你控制一个男人的思想时,你就不必担心他的行为。 -- Carter G. Woodson 伍德森
Always remember, actions speak louder than words. No one's perfect, but we can all strive to be better people. 永远记住,行动胜于言语。没有人是完美的,但我们都可以努力成为更好的人。 -- Demi Lovato 德米洛瓦托
I punish myself more than anybody else does if I am stupid about my actions, and I suffer, really suffer. 如果我对自己的行为感到愚蠢,我惩罚自己的次数比任何人都多,而且我很痛苦,真的很痛苦。 -- Eartha Kitt 厄莎姬特
Fortunately women have the miraculous ability to change the meaning of their actions after the event. 幸运的是,女性有一种神奇的能力,能够在事后改变自己行为的意义。 -- Milan Kundera 米兰·昆德拉
Men's actions are too strong for them. Show me a man who has acted, and who has not been the victim and slave of his action. 人的行为对他们来说太强大了。求你指给我一个有行为的人,不是他行为的受害者,也不是他行为的奴仆。 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生
Many great actions are committed in small struggles. 许多伟大的行动都是在小斗争中完成的。 -- Victor Hugo 维克多雨果
I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me, because your actions spoke the truth. 我素来倚靠你,现在你的话对我毫无意义,因为你的行为实在是真理。 -- Unknown 佚名
We have too many high-sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them. 我们有太多冠冕堂皇的言辞,而与之相对应的行动却太少。 -- Abigail Adams 阿比盖尔·亚当斯
The superior man is modest in his speech, but excels in his actions. 君子欲讷于言,而敏于行。 -- Confucius 孔子
Nor is it that truly a belief at all which has not some influence upon the actions of him who holds it. 也不是说真正的信仰对持有它的人的行为没有影响。 -- William Kingdon Clifford 威廉·金顿·克利福德
Usually, I'm over-analyzing things that have to do with my own actions. 通常,我过度分析与自己行为有关的事情。 -- Ty Segall 泰·西格尔
Human beings and their actions constitute the advancing front, the surging crest of an ongoing movement that never stops. 人类及其行为是前进的前沿,是一场永不停息的运动的激流。 -- Corliss Lamont 科利斯·拉蒙特
There are words which are worth as much as the best actions, for they contain the germ of them all. 有些话和最好的行动一样有价值,因为它们包含了所有这些话的萌芽。 -- Sophie Swetchine 苏菲·斯威奇